Hampir jam 2 petang semua yang hadir tertanya2 kenapa event belum start lagi??setelah menyelidik dan menanyakan daripada mereka2 yang mengetahui, rupa2nya menunggu ketibaan yang terhormat VIP jemputan. Aku dan line up yang lain menambah tahap kesabaran dan mengurangkan getaran kaki yang dari tadi tidak sabar untuk membuat persembahan..
Tidak lama kemudian, Later All dijemput untuk membuat 'sound check'..walaupun kurang mahir tp aku cuba untuk membalancekan sound gitar,bass dan drum..Lepas itu kami menyambung penantian kami untuk menunggu gig ini untuk bermula.
Later dijadualkan untuk perform sebagai band ke2 selepas opening act dari band Kara Bay. Beberapa ketika, MC mengumumkan ketibaan def2 kehormat. Upacara dimulakan dengan bacaan doa dan ucapan perasmian dari VIP jemputan yang tidak dapat untuk dinyatakan nama beliau disini..
Band pertama (Kara Bay) mula mengambil tempat di atas pentas dan memulakan persembahan dengan lagu mereka sendiri. Darah bederu tanda kesabaran Later mula memuncak. Selepas sahaja band pembukaan turun, kami segera naik ke pentas dan menyambung keperluan2an yang sepatutnya..
Bermula dengan lagu antara kita. Sambutan crowd yang hadir kurang memuaskan samada lagu antara kita kurang menarik perhatian ataupun Later masih belum dikenali dikalangan mereka. Habis sahaja lagu antara kita, aku menyerahkan aiman selaku pemain gitar kedua Later untuk menyanyikan lagu ciptaannya (new water from bundle town)..Lagu ini sedikit menarik perhatian crowd dan juga mendapat tepukan crowd yang hadir di akhir persembahan. Ini disebabkan nada lagu ini yang agak laju dan mudah diterima crowd.
Setelah habis lagu ke2, tiba masa untuk lagu yang terakhir daripada Later. Lagu ini lagu ciptaan terbaru aku sendiri yang bertajuk 'influence inspiration'..Dan lagu ini sekali lagi membuatkan crowd mula memandang Later dan mula menunjukkan respon. Tanpa menghiraukan VIP yang hadir, aku sendiri tidak sedar apa yang berlaku kerana masyuk sangat bermain gitar dan menyanyi..Tambahan pula lagu ini agak laju dan jenis release bila dinyanyikan..
Di akhir persembahan crowd mula menunjukkan minat terhadap Later ALL. Maklum sahaja ini gig pertama bagi Later selain battle2 yang dianjurkan di kolej. Perasan agak berpuas hati dapat perform dengan bertenaga sekali seperti yang dinyatakan oleh MC setelah Later turun dari pentas..
Selepas itu band ke3 mengambil tempat iaitu band BELON yang juga berani aku katakan disini sebagai MUSE kelate..Persembahan yang buat aku betul2 ingat pada band supermasive itu..Dipertengahan persembahan Belon,Later mengemas barang2 dan gejet untuk diletakkan di dalam kereta sebelum beralih untuk mengisi perut..
Beberapa minit selepas makan, Later betandang semula ke tapak gig. Turun2 dari kereta band 199x sedang membuat persembahan dan kami sempat layan lagu mereka yang juga agak bertenaga. Secara kebetulan juga aku dan melly (bassist Later) sempat berbual dan beramah mesra sambil mengambil gambar kenangan bersama dood penyanyi band jemputan pada hari tu, Skudap Skudip.
Tiba giliran band otai kelantan ambil alih persembahan iaitu band Kacheewa. Mereka mempersembahkan bebrapa lagu search dan lagu instrumental ciptaan mereka sendiri..Aku agak tertarik kepada pemain gitar utama band tersebut dengan cara beliau mengendalikan tremolo dan juga sentuhan yang amat mengasyikkan..Dood sendiri sempat menghayunkan tangan menunjukkan yang dia respect dengan band tersebut..Aku juga sempat bersalaman dengan gitarist otai tersebut..
Last sekali, band Skudap Skudip megambil pentas dan crowd mula menggila..Dood memang bijak bermain dengan crowd. Sehinggakan crowd basah baju berpeluh berdanska..Aku sendiri tidak terbilang berapa lagu mereka mainkan kerana agak masyuk dengan persembahan mereka.
Gig berakhir dengan sesi bergambar dengan band2 yang membuat persembahan pada hari tersebut bersama crew2 SEP KITOW. Later mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada sep kitow music yang menawarkan Later All untuk perform pada gig tersebut..sekian..
Monday, October 26, 2009
Posted by LyriCmaDeuP at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
music therapy final part
As a conclusion, we can conclude that even though this therapy brought many changes in medical but it also has it weaknesses. Other than it is difficult to find since it is new in Malaysia, this therapy also has a high cost which causes people that have a lower income can’t proceed this therapy. However, although it is difficult to find and has a high cost, but, it is effective to those who does not have any effect towards medicine. There is many people was try this therapy and it’s technically work. In America, there has an association that called America Music Therapy Association and they have many facts by researcher and they apply to patient who wanted it and can conclude all about this therapy. Many type of disease, this therapy is very suitable in manage pain and stress for people like in second paragraph. So if u can believe it, just try it. Here some word was taken at the web of Music Therapy Holistic.com, Play a tune on the guitar and sing along. That works even in the worst of times. By the time I'm done with the song, I've breathed deep, I've controlled myself to some degree to be able to sing on key :-), and I've come back into myself, and more into the real time moment. From heart its come, heart too will feel.
Posted by LyriCmaDeuP at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
music therapy part 3 (disadvantage)
This not calls disadvantages, but in reality, music therapy is not anymore suitable for any type of disease. Many research just show it’s effective to some kind of disease. For example, many research shows on the web told that music therapy effective to manage stress and pain, used in only certain surgery, effective to solve Mental Disorder and many more. But, there is no web or researcher told about music is effective for all kind of disease. Music therapy is all about how our brain receive wave, so this therapy is not like surgery where more practical. It’s just specific for certain. Besides that, music therapy must in right way. Like in this therapy, the type of music is important to perform best result and give right effect to patient. If not it’s become worse and no more being an alternative medicine. And people can be more entrusts with this therapy.
Even this music therapy not any more suitable for all kind of disease, research still running and day after day, as far our technology going developed, more benefit was and will found by researcher. Response to every single type of music in the world, music therapy every day by day being more effective and more benefit to people. Not only patient but for all. This why music actually is not only an entertainment but it is also can work as medicine. But not many know about this therapy and it’s effective to disease where they can think and believe of it. So this is all what music therapy’s disadvantage for this time many more addition must to find to make this alternative medicine better than before and it’s more famous for patient choice to solve their disease problem.
Posted by LyriCmaDeuP at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
music therapy part 2
This point is so familiar and without everyone can notice that music give an ideal solution to manage people stress. All of us can do this even without the expertise. Just take the mp3 player or may be a radio, switch it on and choose our favorite song. While music therapy is an important discipline, you can also achieve benefits from music on your own. Sometimes we can’t to be able notice that hearing music can release our stress. It’s actually not specific to just hearing music, but hearing music and at the same time we can sing along. Just follow what we hear is. This way is more effective than just hearing the music. It’s so simple and this therapy always give best result in manage stress and support by many research. Doesn’t u believe that? Just try it. According to article pain and stress management, who gave solution to manage stress on the web, music therapy is all about how brain receive music’s wave. While a slow tempo promotes a meditative and shooting state of mind.
So that, music can counteracts the damaging effect of chronic stress by altering the breathing and heart rate. Music too helps by bringing positive more positive state of mind where listen to music can enormously increase optimism and pessimistic aspect like our worry, bias, and angry. Beside manage stress, music therapy can alleviate pain. In formal way of music therapy, it’s used for this where lowering pain feeling to patient for much kind of disease and surgery. In surgery, this therapy is so familiar to manage patient’s pain like in dental clinic. Japanese researchers have assessed the potential role of music therapy in the field of pain management. The researchers decided to analyze the effects of music on pain associated with having to keep a compulsory posture. Classical music was taken in their study; Frequency and intensity of complaints were found to be significantly diminished by music. Although heart rate was not changed by music, frequency of irregular respiration was found to be significantly decreased by the music.
Posted by LyriCmaDeuP at 2:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
more about MUSIC THERAPY..
Firstly, music can promotes wellness to people where it is address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals of all ages. It is also supported by research which showed that music effectiveness in a wide variety of healthcare and in person educational setting (American music therapy association). Music therapy can cause soothing effects and can relax a person’s mind and body. It is for this reason that music therapy is adopted as a secondary treatment along with traditional treatment for a particular disease. It is beneficial from many points of view. It too heals your mind, body, and soul. It helps you to relax and soothes your feelings. Not only that, but it doesn’t hurt. Do we notice that music therapy improve health when someone doing some music’s activity like singing, dancing, playing instrument, composition, and imagery exercise. Besides improve people health, it is improve and maintain people skill in music. That’s why some rock star where they no time to doing right exercise but they can maintain their health because we can see when they perform at the stage, they used all of their energy.
Studies have shown that making or listening to music can even lower blood pressure and heart and breathing rates. Those governed by the autonomic nervous system, such as breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the changes music can bring. This can mean slower breathing, slower heart rate, and an activation of the relaxation response, among other things. This is why music and music therapy can help counteract or prevent the damaging effects of chronic stress, greatly promoting not only relaxation, but health. But, according to Dr. Deforia Lane, director of music therapy at University Hospitals of Cleveland Ireland Cancer Center, music’s most precious contribution to individuals undergoing cancer treatment is how it can stir a person at the core, bringing out and honoring the real person behind the diagnosis and allowing for more freedom of self-expression (cancer consultant.org). Others, lowering blood pressure (which can also reduce the risk of stroke and other health problems over time), boost immunity, ease muscle tension, and more.
Posted by LyriCmaDeuP at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
My reaserch about music
Music Therapy
Music, many perception about music where we always think about our favorite singer or may be our favorite genre of music like pop, rock, jazz and many more. But, do many people know that music is not only just an entertainment but it is a ‘medicine’? Alternative medicine. Start from human life history, actually music therapy was used in medication by historical human life to call their God of health in mitoses. According to web About.com ‘Music therapy is a branch of health care designed to aid physical and emotional health through the use of music, either with listening, song writing, performing, exploring lyrics or other activities related to music’. Where music has many benefits to our life and can be applied to improve our health. Music has been used for hundreds of years to treat illnesses and restore harmony between mind and body. But recently, scientific studies have attempted to measure the potential benefits of music. Now, music therapy become in a real way, become part of medical practice. Medicine now not only done by eating it, by injection, and surgery where it all hurt the patient, it’s now has many ways to give patient not hurt like therapy even this not for all type disease. This alternative medicine is still in research at the same time it’s used for certain disease in the world. Research found it’s effective in a wide healthcare and educational setting. Music is safe and not hurt anyone, so that it’s suitable for every single age. Day after day it’s become more effective than before, no more mitoses, now music theory in therapy was found and technically work and effectives. So that, music promotes wellness to everyone, give ideal solution to manage stress and it’s very express feeling, but not really suitable or work for everyone. (to be continue..)
Posted by LyriCmaDeuP at 1:01 PM 0 comments